viernes, 21 de octubre de 2011

Radiohead - Lotus Flower

Me pone la piel de gallina este video, la manera de moverse es inverosimiiil me recuerda un monton a IAN CURTIS!!.... me transmitee millon LOOOF HIM! xque nos abrimos como una flor de loto y siento que Hay un vacío en mi corazón donde la mala hierba se arraiga,
así que los dejo libres con este super dancin de mi PANA YORKE!!

Comparto con ustedes la canciòn que hoy me remueve desde lo mas profundo, hasta lo mas mundano!



I will shape myself into your pocket
Do what you want
Do what you want

I will shrink and I will disappear
I will slip into a groove
And cut me off, and cut me off

There’s an empty space inside my heart
Where the weeds take root
So now I set you free
I set you free

There’s an empty space inside my heart
Where the weeds take root
So now I set you free
I set you free

Slowly we unfurl
As lotus flowers
Cause all I want is the moon upon a stick
Just to see what if
Just to see what is
I can’t kick the habit
“Just to feed your fast-ballooning head.”
Listen to your heart!

We will shrink and then be quiet as mice
And while the cat is away
Do what we want
Do what we want

There’s an empty space inside my heart
Where the weeds take root
So now I set you free
I’ll set you free

Cause all I want is the moon upon a stick
just to see what if
Just to see what is

The bird that’s flown into my room
Slowly we unfurl
As lotus flowers
Cause all I want is the moon upon a stick

I dance around the pit
The darkness is beneath
I can’t kick the habit
“Just to feed your fast-ballooning head.”
Listen to your heart!

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